The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: How much TIME do you really spend on your phone? July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018

When that question has been asked regarding how much time we spend on our phones the typical answer is 30 minutes to 1 hour. In reality the numbers are closer to 3 1/2 to 4 hours per day????? WOW. On today’s echo I share a great app I have used for years. It’s called Moment and it tracks all the time you spend on your phone. My wife can attest to the fact that when I go over my phone rings with an annoying sound everytime I pick it up when I have gone over my allotted time. You can also add family members on your plan to see how much usage your children are using. Bottom line folks is we USE OUR PHONES way TOO MUCH… Check out moment and you will see results immediately.

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