The Daily "ECHO"

The Daily Echo: Scroll 10 “I Will Act Now” with Dave Blanchard. April 23, 2019

April 24, 2019

Recommit to studying Og Mandino’s Ten Scrolls! Start by understanding the secrets behind each of the scrolls. Join us on a journey to find the keys that will unlock each scroll and start you on a path to a more productive and prosperous year ahead. Dave Blanchard, CEO of the Og Mandino Group, covers some of the greatest secrets behind the scrolls, with knowledge passed down from Og Mandino himself. With a new scroll each day, Dave will take you behind the scenes to make your study richer and more powerful.

Og Mandino’s Scroll X: I will pray for guidance. Dave has had dark moments, which he shares in today’s video. But there is always hope, and there are ways out of that darkness. When you pray for material wealth, you will find disappointment every time. When you ask for guidance, your prayers will be answered.

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